Job Offer Calculator VFX : Here is a handy excel spreadsheet to check job offers*, or at least the financial aspect of the offer. Most companies present their offers differently making it difficult to compare. Pay date ranges, overtime, holidays, benefits and extras vary in the way they are presented. This spreadsheet balances the playing field when comparing multiple job offers. After putting this together, I discovered that the ‘common’ reputations of many companies for paying well or not, were partly fallacies…. the devil is in the detail.
INSTRUCTIONS: Only edit the pale yellow boxes, read the notes, no yellow fields can be left empty.
This spreadsheet is designed for Canadian companies but can be adjusted for elsewhere. When comparing different global locations take into account the cost of living and taxes. Also different companies tax in different ways, meaning that either you become responsible for a tax bill or a rebate, after the end of the tax year. Budget accordingly.
….and good luck getting the job!
* i’m not claiming this spreadsheet is accurate as it was quickly researched / made, but for me it is more than good enough to asses different offers from different companies. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, no companies or individuals are not responsible for any consequence of its use. Of course you are more than welcome to buy me a beer.
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